Friday, May 14, 2010


This new law in Arizona certainly grabbed my attention since I am immigrant here in the United States. ‘Look immigrants are here illegally’ phrase made immigrants illegal and may be most of people already see the immigrants as illegal. An author mentioned that this country is a melting pot and it owes its success to immigrants, I agree that this fact is very true. Many of Americans or their ancestors had moved to this country from different parts of world. I came here to study and improve my English and believe that many of the immigrants also came here for good purpose. People comes to US with a dream that this country has indefinite freedom and abundant opportunities which would lead them to achieve whatever they’ve aimed, being rich or getting better education. Important point is that immigrants move from their home countries and decide to take an adventure because there are enough reasons for it. I agree with an author’s idea of a guest worker program in order to avoid an influx of illegal immigrants. We know that our government is working hard to prevent all possible terrorism and are trying to protect the citizens but at the same time they would need to think about illegal immigrants who are desperate to improve their status.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Amazing Hair Mat
written by Na Ra Jung
May 7, 2010

There was an oil spill because of drillship explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. A giant oil slick was formed and is expanding to Mississippi river. This would affect its ecosystem and inhabitants who work in the fishing industry. An amount of oil spill exceeds more than expected and can be the worst environmental disaster occurred in US, because Mississippi and Louisiana coast have at least ten wildlife sanctuaries.

They are building oil pence, sprinkling an absorbent, using combustion, etc. But it’s way beyond our capacity.

However, is combustion good method to reduce oil spill? Removing oil is very important at this point but burning induces a poisonous gas and would cause air pollution. So how can we treat oil spill in effective way? There is hair mat. It is made of human hairs and mushroom. This method was already been used for Cosco Busan oil spill at the Gulf of San Francisco and its effect has been proved.

Lisa Gautier from San Francisco says that hair absorbs oil in the air naturally. That is why hair met works as sponge in absorbing oil spill. Lisa Gautier operates Matter of Trust, an organization that connects nonprofit organization with enterprises. She had contributed 1000 hair mat to environmental organization at that time.

When hair mat absorbs black oil, an agaric mushroom putted on met grows. Mushroom grows with oil absorbed and it absorbs whole oils within 2 weeks. Hair mat doesn’t transform to toxic garbage and it can be used again and again until it wears out.

US need to start gathering agaric mushrooms and hairs so we can save the sea.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Your argument about US use of renewable energy grabbed my attention and somewhat convinced me to agree with your idea. One of the statistics you've found was very interesting, “The energy that strikes the surface of the earth in 8 minutes is more than the world uses in a year.” I was surprised the potential of renewable energy and thanked again for all the natural resources that we have.

You repeatedly emphasized that US barely use renewable energy though they have more sun compared to China and European countries who stepped forward in using these magnificent resources. I agree that using solar energy would certainly bring lots of benefits like reducing pollutants and saving millions of dollars from electricity spent. It is true that the initial cost of installing solar panels can be pricy and would make home owners to hesitate in making a decision. However, it is once installed on their roof, solar energy will continue be stored during the day and any leftover would be saved for the future use. If we think about electricity bill paid every month, installing solar panels would save more money at the end. I believe that installation fee would get lower as solar panels get distributed more and more.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Nuclear Free World, Possible?
written by Na Ra Jung
April 9, 2010 at 11:00 pm

The United States announced nuclear posture review (NPR) reports that reflect President Barack Obama’s idea of nuclearless world. Obama joined new US-Russia nuclear weapons reduction agreements today and is going to lead nuclear security convention following week. This tells us that nuclear policy is turning into worldwide policy.

The report officially declared Passive Security Council policy while reducing nuclear weapons’ role. US declared that they would not use nuclear weapon even though other nuclear-free countries attack them first. This is very different from George Bush strategy of nuclear pre-emptive strike. The report also stated that nuclear policy would place its priority on increasing number of nuclear powers and preventing nuclear terrorism for effective non-proliferation system. This attitude would induce existing nuclear powers like Russia to join in and block nuclear-free countries’ attempts to develop nuclear weapon.

However, this new policy certainly has a limit. It is deferring the renounce of nuclear pre-emptive strike. So when nuclear powers that disobey nonproliferation treaty attack first, US might be allowed to use a nuclear weapon. This exception implies that they would put pressure on Iran and North Korea. According to circumstance, the new policy might lead North Korea to strengthen their nuclear development.

In order to get good results from new nuclear policy, Obama has to put active effort on solving North Korea nuclear issue. Obama Government kept saying that they would solve the problem through negotiations but really haven’t made any specific alternatives or created motivating communication with North Korea.

Nuclear-free world is a task that humanity has to achieve. President Obama is on the right track of making this policy worked out. More important thing is the effort that would lead us to get practical outcome. In particular, the North Korean nuclear issue, the United States would find a way only when they engage actively.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Democrats have proved they can govern. Can they keep it going?

Harold Meyerson is a weekly columnist for The Post, writing mainly about politics. His column appears on Wednesdays. Meyerson is executive editor of the American Prospect as well as a member of the editorial board of Dissent.

The article he wrote on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 names "Democrats have proved they can govern. Can they keep it going?" His argument reveals clear idea about politics in US and is very helpful to understand the Democrats aims and how the President Obama would do next with health care reform.

Meyerson states that the Democrats have activated their base and President Obama has awakened from the long sleep after his election and has put massive effort to lobby wavering lawmakers.

Mayerson argues that his health care reform have passed finally because of Obama's insistence. I agree with Meyerson that this dramatic event wouldn't have happened if he decided to go small.

Mayerson states that Obama was able to maintain his plan firmly because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi encouraged him and motivated the base organizations to go all out for the bill. Obama and Pelosi became a legislative force. I agree that Nancy Pelosi’s contribution was great.

Mayerson continuously says what would be the Democrats next step and how to take the health care reform in success. He argues that Democrats must apply the lessons of their health-reform victory to more popular causes.

President Obama’s plan was opposed harshly by publics and Republicans and became an object of ridicule. Who would’ve thought that his bill passing the Congress?
His bill could pass because of his ceaseless insistence and he kept pushing it ahead.

Mayerson also argues that the Democrats need to establish a powerful consumer protection agency and control the bank speculation. They need to pressure their members who hesitated over health care reform. I agree that greater support is needed in order to take this reform accomplished and be helpful for people who urge to get medical care.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

After the Summit

After the Summit

Published: February 25, 2010

An author of this editoral is anonymous so his/her credibility isn't very high. Author's intended audience is Americans and he/she favors President Obama's health care reform and strongly support it. He/she argues that Americans need to look at their relentlessly rising premiums or think about where they can get coverage if they lose their jobs. President Obama's health care reform would provide coverage to 30 million uninsured Americans and begin to wrestle down the rising cost of medical care and future deficits. An author said that Republicans stuck to their script and argued for small solutions, such as letting people buy insurance in other states that might allow skimpier coverage. Their plans would cover only three million uninsured over the next decade, a tenth of what the Democrats are proposing which is not enough. An author also argues that President Obama should give up any illusions that he can win Republican support by making a few more changes in bills that already include many Republican ideas since Republican speakers made clear that the only thing they would accept is starting over from scratch. An author belives if the House Democrats voted tomorrow to approve the Senate bill, health care reform would become the law of the land and the president and Speaker Nancy Pelosi should push the House to accept the fundamentally sound Senate bill. Mr. Obama needs to keep explaining to Americans that this health care reform is critical which is to give them security, to hold down costs and ease the strain on federal budgets.

President Obama's health care plan looks good and might be intended for citizens' good but is not working properly. His plans are facing too much opposition and Mr. Obama have adjusted the health care reform several times reflecting Republican's ideas so they might turn to his side. However, Obama's pump-priming policy for creating jobs have failed. According to CNN survey, 3 out of 4 Americans think his economy plan's budget was wasted and 2 out of 3 people said that this plan was aimed for political good and has no practical benefit for US economy. Republican candidate, Scott Brown, have won the late Edward M. Kennedy's seat in Massachusetts by supporting to kill the president's health care plan, reducing taxes, cutting spending and making sure terrorist prisoners never see the inside of a civilian courtroom. In the senate, Republicans won at least four more Democratic seats: in Arkansas, North Dakota, Delaware and Nevada, where Majority Leader Harry Reid is toast. At least three more of the party's seats are tossups: in Illinois, Colorado and Pennsylvania. Democrats are facing at least a half dozen losses in the Senate right now. The political environment is already sending more Democrats into retirement. Heading into this year, House Democrats were looking at potential losses of 20 to 30 seats. Now, some analysts are saying it is possible they could lose their majority.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Current News

House retirements pile up

This article is from CNN official website and is written by Paul Steinhauser, CNN Debuty Political Director, on Februrary 12,2010.

Rep. Patrick Kennedy of Rhode Island said that he'll retire at the end of the year rather than run for re-election. So far, eight House Democrats have now announced that they are retiring and five other House Democrats are making bids for statewide office this year rather than run for re-election in November. Six House Republicans are retiring at the end of the year, and another 11 are making bids for state-wide office rather than run for re-election. This implies that the Democrats will be defending 13 open seats in the midterm elections and Republican 17 vacant seats. The Democrats currently have a 255- to 178-seat advantage in the House, with two seats the Democrats controlled vacant. Republicans need to pick up 40 seats in November to take back the chamber. The Rothenberg Report and the Cook Political Report predict healthy gains for the Grand Old Party in the midterms indicating that the Republicans could pick up 24 to 28 seats or more. GOP actually have won three Democratic-held seats in the last three statewide contests. Political editor, Nathan Gonzales said, "Republicans and conservatives are energized for the first time in years, and independent voters are finally open to casting ballots for Republicans again."

This article is very interesting and worth reading because it tells us how US political scene is changing and public sentiment is turning away from Democrats to Republican Party. This reminds us the Conservative Revolution in 1994 in which Democrats gave Congress initiative away to Republicans due to failure of national health reform. A broadcast is estimating Republicans' 'Game Changing Victory'. This issue also implies Barak Obama's national health reform plan and bills regarding energy and financial reform are uncertain whether they are going to pass Congress.