Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Current News

House retirements pile up

This article is from CNN official website and is written by Paul Steinhauser, CNN Debuty Political Director, on Februrary 12,2010.

Rep. Patrick Kennedy of Rhode Island said that he'll retire at the end of the year rather than run for re-election. So far, eight House Democrats have now announced that they are retiring and five other House Democrats are making bids for statewide office this year rather than run for re-election in November. Six House Republicans are retiring at the end of the year, and another 11 are making bids for state-wide office rather than run for re-election. This implies that the Democrats will be defending 13 open seats in the midterm elections and Republican 17 vacant seats. The Democrats currently have a 255- to 178-seat advantage in the House, with two seats the Democrats controlled vacant. Republicans need to pick up 40 seats in November to take back the chamber. The Rothenberg Report and the Cook Political Report predict healthy gains for the Grand Old Party in the midterms indicating that the Republicans could pick up 24 to 28 seats or more. GOP actually have won three Democratic-held seats in the last three statewide contests. Political editor, Nathan Gonzales said, "Republicans and conservatives are energized for the first time in years, and independent voters are finally open to casting ballots for Republicans again."

This article is very interesting and worth reading because it tells us how US political scene is changing and public sentiment is turning away from Democrats to Republican Party. This reminds us the Conservative Revolution in 1994 in which Democrats gave Congress initiative away to Republicans due to failure of national health reform. A broadcast is estimating Republicans' 'Game Changing Victory'. This issue also implies Barak Obama's national health reform plan and bills regarding energy and financial reform are uncertain whether they are going to pass Congress.

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