Friday, May 14, 2010


This new law in Arizona certainly grabbed my attention since I am immigrant here in the United States. ‘Look immigrants are here illegally’ phrase made immigrants illegal and may be most of people already see the immigrants as illegal. An author mentioned that this country is a melting pot and it owes its success to immigrants, I agree that this fact is very true. Many of Americans or their ancestors had moved to this country from different parts of world. I came here to study and improve my English and believe that many of the immigrants also came here for good purpose. People comes to US with a dream that this country has indefinite freedom and abundant opportunities which would lead them to achieve whatever they’ve aimed, being rich or getting better education. Important point is that immigrants move from their home countries and decide to take an adventure because there are enough reasons for it. I agree with an author’s idea of a guest worker program in order to avoid an influx of illegal immigrants. We know that our government is working hard to prevent all possible terrorism and are trying to protect the citizens but at the same time they would need to think about illegal immigrants who are desperate to improve their status.

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