Friday, March 26, 2010

Democrats have proved they can govern. Can they keep it going?

Harold Meyerson is a weekly columnist for The Post, writing mainly about politics. His column appears on Wednesdays. Meyerson is executive editor of the American Prospect as well as a member of the editorial board of Dissent.

The article he wrote on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 names "Democrats have proved they can govern. Can they keep it going?" His argument reveals clear idea about politics in US and is very helpful to understand the Democrats aims and how the President Obama would do next with health care reform.

Meyerson states that the Democrats have activated their base and President Obama has awakened from the long sleep after his election and has put massive effort to lobby wavering lawmakers.

Mayerson argues that his health care reform have passed finally because of Obama's insistence. I agree with Meyerson that this dramatic event wouldn't have happened if he decided to go small.

Mayerson states that Obama was able to maintain his plan firmly because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi encouraged him and motivated the base organizations to go all out for the bill. Obama and Pelosi became a legislative force. I agree that Nancy Pelosi’s contribution was great.

Mayerson continuously says what would be the Democrats next step and how to take the health care reform in success. He argues that Democrats must apply the lessons of their health-reform victory to more popular causes.

President Obama’s plan was opposed harshly by publics and Republicans and became an object of ridicule. Who would’ve thought that his bill passing the Congress?
His bill could pass because of his ceaseless insistence and he kept pushing it ahead.

Mayerson also argues that the Democrats need to establish a powerful consumer protection agency and control the bank speculation. They need to pressure their members who hesitated over health care reform. I agree that greater support is needed in order to take this reform accomplished and be helpful for people who urge to get medical care.

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