Friday, April 9, 2010

Nuclear Free World, Possible?
written by Na Ra Jung
April 9, 2010 at 11:00 pm

The United States announced nuclear posture review (NPR) reports that reflect President Barack Obama’s idea of nuclearless world. Obama joined new US-Russia nuclear weapons reduction agreements today and is going to lead nuclear security convention following week. This tells us that nuclear policy is turning into worldwide policy.

The report officially declared Passive Security Council policy while reducing nuclear weapons’ role. US declared that they would not use nuclear weapon even though other nuclear-free countries attack them first. This is very different from George Bush strategy of nuclear pre-emptive strike. The report also stated that nuclear policy would place its priority on increasing number of nuclear powers and preventing nuclear terrorism for effective non-proliferation system. This attitude would induce existing nuclear powers like Russia to join in and block nuclear-free countries’ attempts to develop nuclear weapon.

However, this new policy certainly has a limit. It is deferring the renounce of nuclear pre-emptive strike. So when nuclear powers that disobey nonproliferation treaty attack first, US might be allowed to use a nuclear weapon. This exception implies that they would put pressure on Iran and North Korea. According to circumstance, the new policy might lead North Korea to strengthen their nuclear development.

In order to get good results from new nuclear policy, Obama has to put active effort on solving North Korea nuclear issue. Obama Government kept saying that they would solve the problem through negotiations but really haven’t made any specific alternatives or created motivating communication with North Korea.

Nuclear-free world is a task that humanity has to achieve. President Obama is on the right track of making this policy worked out. More important thing is the effort that would lead us to get practical outcome. In particular, the North Korean nuclear issue, the United States would find a way only when they engage actively.


  1. Ahhh… a nuclear-weapon-free world… Oh sorry, I’m awake now, I must have been dreaming, and it looks like the leaders of some of the most powerful countries in the world, including ours, are dreaming too!

    Yes, I will applaud President Obama’s efforts and the agreements he’s made with Russia in order to eliminate the use of such weapons, but it is purely naïve for anyone to think this will ever turn into a worldwide policy. There is a reason President Obama isn’t sitting around a campfire singing “Cum By Ya” with Kim Jung IL of North Korea, and Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al-Qaeda, and that reason is because there is no negotiating or reasoning with tyrants and dictators.

    Our world may or may not be better if there was complete absence of nuclear weapons, but it is not even an idea I think is worth entertaining. Sure, the United States and other countries can cease using nuclear weapons but when our enemies use them against us, I hope I’m already long gone.

  2. The article talks about the policy of the usage of Nuclear weapons in the world. By US joining Russia with this policy it makes it almost into a worldwide policy. President Obama stated that the United States will not be using nuclear weapons, unless other nuclear-free country attacks them first. This policy will somewhat decrease the terrorism in the world. Since United States has a nonproliferation treaty that pronounces that they will never strike a country first, but this exception will lead to Iran and North Korea to build up their nuclear growth. But in order to get good results from this, President Obama will have to get active with this two countries about the nuclear issue.

    My opinion about this article is that the United States along with other important countries, have agreed on a treaty that will make the world safer for society. Nuclear weapons are harmful for anyone, and by this United States will be the leading country to somewhat stop terrorism. Unlike Ex- President Bush, Obama has come up with a new strategy for pre-emptive strike. US being a strong country in the world will put the effort into getting a practical outcome as it is the decreasing of nuclear power.
